Whatsapp: +86 138-9085-6950
Line: bkg.617

Work Hours
Monday to Friday: 8AM - 8PM
Weekend: 9AM - 7PM


1. 关于订单

  • 如何下单购买儿童玩具?
  • 只需浏览我们的商品目录,选择心仪的玩具并点击“加入购物车”,然后在结账页面填写收货地址和选择支付方式,完成支付即可顺利下单。
  • 我可以修改或取消订单吗?
  • 如果您的订单尚未处理或发货,请尽快联系我们客服,我们会尽力帮助您修改或取消订单。如果订单已经处理完毕或发货,可能无法更改或取消。
  • 我如何查看我的订单状态?
  • 一旦订单发货,您可以根据订单号通过我们物流合作伙伴的跟踪系统查看包裹状态,或者询问客服。

2. 支付问题

  • 你们支持哪些支付方式?
  • 我们暂时仅支持银行转账支付方式。
  • 支付时遇到问题怎么办?
  • 如果您在支付过程中遇到问题,请确认您的支付信息是否正确,如果问题依然无法解决,请联系我们的客服,我们将帮助您解决。

3. 配送与运输

  • 你们支持哪些地区的配送?
  • 我们暂时仅支持特定地区的配送,具体支持的国家和地区请参考我们的配送政策。
  • 我的订单什么时候发货?
  • 通常情况下,我们会在收到支付后的 1-3 个工作日内处理并发货。高峰期可能会有小幅延迟,具体发货时间请以讯息通知为准或者询问客服。

4. 其他问题

  • 你们是否提供优惠或折扣?
  • 我们不定期举办促销活动和节日折扣。您可以订阅关注我们的社交媒体,以第一时间获取最新的优惠信息。
  • 如果我找不到想要的玩具怎么办?
  • 如果您在我们的商店中找不到特定的玩具,欢迎通过客服渠道告诉我们,我们会尽力帮助您寻找或通知您何时重新上架。

1. About Orders  
How can I place an order for children’s toys?
Simply browse our product catalog, select your desired toy, and click “Add to Cart.” Then, proceed to checkout, enter your shipping details, choose a payment method, and complete the payment to place your order successfully.  

Can I modify or cancel my order?
If your order has not yet been processed or shipped, please contact our customer service as soon as possible. We will do our best to help you modify or cancel your order. However, if the order has already been processed or shipped, changes or cancellations may not be possible.  

How can I check my order status?
Once your order has been shipped, you can track your package using the tracking number through our logistics partner’s tracking system or contact customer service for updates.  

2. Payment Issues  
What payment methods do you support?
We currently support PayPal and bank transfers. You can choose the payment method that best suits your needs.  

What should I do if I encounter a payment issue?
If you experience any issues during payment, please check if your payment information is correct or try using a different payment method. If the problem persists, contact our customer service, and we will assist you in resolving it.  

3. Shipping & Delivery  
Which regions do you deliver to?
We currently only support delivery to specific regions. Please refer to our shipping policy for a list of supported countries and areas.  
When will my order be shipped?
Typically, we process and ship orders within 1-3 business days after receiving payment. During peak seasons, there may be slight delays. Please refer to our notifications or contact customer service for the exact shipping time.  

4. Other Questions  
Do you offer discounts or promotions?
We run promotions and holiday discounts from time to time. Follow us on social media to stay updated on our latest offers.  

What if I can’t find the toy I want?
If you can’t find a specific toy in our store, feel free to contact our customer service. We will do our best to help you find it or notify you when it is back in stock.